Google Docs for music production, but even more collaborative as you can see other co-creators’ cursors, what they are working on and every action they make in the studio, as they make it.

The design process consisted of a user-centric approach with weekly sprints and rapid prototyping.

A tag-filter system was designed for finding your sound, a bottom panel for quick access to your instrument chain - accompanied with new synthesizers, effects. All instruments and effects designed modular to enable the user to play around with their chain as lego.






UX research

UX design

UI design

Rapid prototyping



Senior product designer (consultant)



UX research

UX design

UI design

Rapid prototyping


Senior product designer

Artan Mansouri - Design - Art Direction - Product Design - Soundation
Artan Mansouri - Design - Art Direction - Product Design - Soundation
Artan Mansouri - Design - Art Direction - Product Design - Soundation
Artan Mansouri - Design - Art Direction - Product Design - Soundation

The SND studio

The design process consisted of a user-centric approach with weekly sprints ending on fridays with 5 user interviews to iterate prototypes designed during the week. Leading us from concept, lofi-prototypes, high fi-prototypes to a finished product favoured by the music community and acknowledged by leading music technology publishers.

Music Product design mockup designed by Artan Mansouri for Soundation.

Public web

Along side the new studio I designed the public web with focus on showcasing the new synthesizers, effects and instruments for the release of "Collab live" functionality.  

View the page and try out the studio by visiting

Synthesizers, instruments, effects and a bottom panel for them to live in.

All Rights Reserved.
Website designed and engineered by Artan Mansouri.
All Rights Reserved.
Website designed and engineered by Artan Mansouri.
‍All Rights Reserved.
All projects are created through CC STUDIO
Showcase designed and engineered by Artan Mansouri.
Artan Mansouri,
Selected work (2010-2024)